A new analysis identifies key areas where mental health issues are on the rise--and offers suggestions to help students feel supported, like this brain and stethoscope.

AEPA Awards National Security Solution Bid to Deledao

The Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA), a national cooperative, adds Deledao to their roster of Security Solutions

On December 1st, 2020, the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) awarded Deledao a national bid in their Security Solutions category. This allows the 29 member states to offer Deledao through a nationally bid contract designed to meet state bid law requirements.

“We’re excited to partner with AEPA to expand our reach to school districts across the United States,” says Shuang Ji, CEO at Deledao. “This partnership aligns with our company goal of providing education solutions that are easy and effective. Member ESAs can now focus on solving the web security needs of their districts instead of wading through complicated purchasing processes.”

“Student mental health crises are increasing at an alarming rate, with internet access and social media exacerbating this issue. The internet is always there, it doesn’t rest,” says Kevin Benson, the Security Solutions Committee Chair at AEPA.

Deledao products allow schools and parents to filter content, and be alerted to possible issues and intervene before these result in serious repercussions. These products work seamlessly with other crisis solutions, and create another layer of safety and security for our most precious resources, our children. AEPA selected Deledao because they have a great product that addresses a serious problem facing our nation today, and is cost-effective.”

About Deledao 

Deledao is a digital wellness company that helps people make thoughtful choices online by providing the tools to make the internet a positive experience. Founded in 2017 by Silicon Valley veterans, Deledao developed proprietary Artificial Intelligence to provide holistic web protection for children everywhere. Deledao released their first product in 2019 and now helps schools in 10+ states.

Learn more at https://www.deledao.com/.

About AEPA

The Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) is a multi-state non-profit organization made up of Educational Service Agencies/political subdivisions in participating states. Regardless of their size, member ESAs can leverage the national purchasing power of AEPA to benefit schools in their regions.

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