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Royelles Launches Industry’s First Inclusive Mobile Gaming Metaverse Dedicated To Educating And Empowering Young Girls

Architecting a Safe and Educational Metaverse, Female-Founded Company Aims to Empower the Next Gen of Women Trailblazers and Eliminate Gender Disparities in STEAM

WASHINGON D.C., June 14, 2022Royelles, a global educational gaming (Ed Gaming) platform empowering girls and non-binary individuals through inclusive play, today announced it’s official launch. Royelles is on a mission to disrupt the $180B+ mobile gaming industry through transformational storytelling and inclusive role modeling, in an effort to dismantle the global identity crisis disproportionately impacting girls. 

A female-founded platform for girls, Royelles aims to bridge the gap between girls’ potential and their dreams, and ignite their curiosity and confidence towards solving the world’s biggest problems in STEAM. Royelles’ gamified mobile play platform meets the demands of 21st century 6-12 years olds, and their adult influencers. Powered by AR, AI, and voice technologies, the newly launched, learning-based mobile app is anchored in fierce female avatar personas and real-life super(s)heros with inspiring professions across science, technology, engineering, the arts and math.

“We believe that everyone deserves to be bold, fearless, and undaunted architects of their destinies,” said Múkami Kinoti Kimotho CEO & Founder of Royelles. “Our mission is rooted in opening the window of possibilities to every girl, so that they know that they are fully equipped to realize their greatest potential. And, that their difference is their superpower.” 

Until now, gaming has not been inclusive. The current state of the industry disproportionately negatively impacts women and girls, particularly those from underserved communities. Gen Z and Gen Alpha girls learn and play differently. Moreover, the boundary between education and gaming is quickly blurring for them. Royelles believes that the metaverse will accelerate that convergence, and its gaming platform is expressly architected by girls, for young girls who dream about changing the world and taking their rightful place as trailblazers, ceiling smashers, and disruptors.

Download the Royelles app on Google Play and iOS, and join the global community of gamer girls who are powering the Royelles Revolution.

About Royelles

Royelles (rated E for Everyone), is a global educational gaming (ed-gaming) platform re-imagining how girls and non-binary individuals create, connect, and learn. Leveraging inclusive play, character-driven stories, and STEAM-focused adventures, the Royelles gaming platform is powered by industry-leading AR, AI, and Voice tech. For more information visit:

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